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DKS DoorKing 6400-380 In-Ground Swing Gate Operator


Monitored Safety Device Required. The DKS 6400 installs in-ground making it virtually invisible and satisfies the most sophisticated automation needs without being detrimental to the original gate design. The 6400 operates on 24 Volt DC power (AC is converted to DC in the control panel).

Availability: In stock

The DKS 6400 installs in-ground making it virtually invisible and satisfies the most sophisticated automation needs without being detrimental to the original gate design. The 6400 operates on 24 Volt DC power (AC is converted to DC in the control panel).

More Information
Motor Size 1/2 Hp
Max Gate Width (ft) 8
Manufacturer DKS DoorKing
Max Gate Weight (ft) 300

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